Spirited Yellow Bouquet
This splendidly spirited bouquet will bring the colours, light and textures of the fresh spring garden into your home, to remind you of the joys of spring, all year long!
Delightful cobalt blue vase is the perfect contrast to the glorious yellow flowers!
Daffodils are much loved early bloomers after a long winter, now you don’t need to wait till spring to have this feeling.
Fused glass and steel free standing sculpture
27” t x 15”w
Custom made steel base
This splendidly spirited bouquet will bring the colours, light and textures of the fresh spring garden into your home, to remind you of the joys of spring, all year long!
Delightful cobalt blue vase is the perfect contrast to the glorious yellow flowers!
Daffodils are much loved early bloomers after a long winter, now you don’t need to wait till spring to have this feeling.
Fused glass and steel free standing sculpture
27” t x 15”w
Custom made steel base
This splendidly spirited bouquet will bring the colours, light and textures of the fresh spring garden into your home, to remind you of the joys of spring, all year long!
Delightful cobalt blue vase is the perfect contrast to the glorious yellow flowers!
Daffodils are much loved early bloomers after a long winter, now you don’t need to wait till spring to have this feeling.
Fused glass and steel free standing sculpture
27” t x 15”w
Custom made steel base