Creative Fire with Sabrina Ward Harrison!
I had the great pleasure of being a guest on “Room in the Trees” podcast with Sabrina Ward Harrison and Trent Reynolds. We talked art, creativity, free range, book making, my course Creative Sovereignty and Sabrina’s course Liberate!
As you may know, i wrote a book and published a book last year, Tender Brave Spirit.
Spread from my book Tender Brave Spirit
In my book I share my journey of growing into the artist I now am. It has been a deep soul journey, from self loathing to self loving, from NO confidence in myself about anything, to regularly challenging myself to take risks.
My life has been an excruciatingly painful path at times. This was def NOT I story I could have shared any earlier because I was still so IN IT. Too much SHAME.
Random papers that became a spread in my book.
I’ve wanted to create a book from some time now, I thought I would make a book showing the highlights of my creative life. Then I participated in Sabrina’s course “Liberate, make the book you most want to find.” As I was guided through this process, I gained courage and inspiration from Sabrina and the other participants to share a different, more important, more private, more vulnerable story in my first book.
Ahhhhhhhhh…….such a relief to share in this way. And SCARY as heck too!
The idea of “making the book I most want to find”….this is a phrase I had heard much earlier in my creative life, and I have used to help myself when I first started painting, to “make the art I most want to see” ……
For me, taking Liberate course was the best investment in myself! I highly recommend it. Sabrina is an amazing artist, author, book maker, teacher and guide!
Creating my book has shifted the trajectory of my creative life and career! Making my book has helped me to see myself more clearly, and has defined even more clearly my purpose and my curiosities.
LISTEN to the interview with me, sabrina and trent HERE
Have a listen, leave a comment and let me know if you feel inspired!
See my FREE visual journaling workshop HERE!