Living outside the box….Or FREEdom as a way of life

Freedom as a Way of Life

I’ve spent a lot of my life attempting to fit into prescribed boxes, the boxes that are made by others, the boxes I thought I needed to fit myself into.

My precious life was cruising along while I was stressing and straining to make myself fit into these seemingly preordained boxes. This was anxiety producing and very uncomfortable.

I’m generally a fairly upbeat person, however when I stress and strain to make myself fit into the seemingly preordained boxes it’s anxiety producing and very uncomfortable. 


 Can you relate?


When I began playing with my creativity, becoming an artist, I still had preconceived ideas about what an “artist” did or didn’t do, what an artist looked like, how an artist lived.

Again it was another box.

It’s as if my psyche was so used to being boxed up that I was now doing this to myself, even when no one else was present or  involved. In my own head all the limiting beliefs were circulating unedited, causing me to second guess and sabotage myself.

This is a super YUCKY way to live! NOW, I know there’s a more nourishing, self compassionate, creative, imaginative and loving way to live. 

Part of this for me has been about getting my inner critic under control, or maybe even better it’s about making friends with all of the inner critics. Let’s face it, there’s often more than one right??? 

Feeling more free, both in my art and in my life  is a practice that I build and reaffirm every single day.

For many of us It takes practice.

Does this resonate for you?

There’s no shame in it. I used to feel that way too. It’s called being human. 

I say, let’s normalize it.

When I befriend my fear of “not being good enough” I feel more fully alive, playful, engaged, excited and curious about the all the possibilities,, all of which equals freedom to me! 


“If you’re craving more FREEDOM AND SPONTANEITY with your creativity so that you can lighten up, play and enjoy the whole process, you’ll want to explore my free Mini Journaling workshop! “

This workshop/playshop is super short, sweet, messy and wild and gives you a tiny FREE taster of my Creative Sovereignty Course. 

You’ll learn ART techniqueS AND TIPS ON how to get started on the DREADED blank page, WITH FULL PERMISSION TO GET LOOSE AND MESSY!

Major bonus, you’ll feel more daring and enlivened in all of your life. I hear this over and over again from course participants. 

“This course was a gift to that inner child in us that wants permission to play, and Tammy was the perfect companion.”

Tyrrell Clark 

CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW ….. You’ll be glad that you did! Creative sovereignty is yours for the claiming! 




Franny the guardian angel dog


Creative Fire with Sabrina Ward Harrison!