Paint your wild spirit!
“My FREE Painting Party Sessions are HERE!
Party starts April 2 and is delivered right to your inbox!
I am sooooo excited to be sharing this with you, inviting you deeper into my world of creativity. It can feel edgy af to reveal my behind the scenes art making and experiences, and yet I am following the impulse, step by the step….the same way I do when making my art, whether painting or creating with glass, or writing or sewing.
CLICK HERE to learn ALL about it!
Enrollment will only happen once a year so check it out if you’re feeling even a little curious.
Step by step….or, Bird by Bird as Anne Lamott says in her essential book about writing.
When I read her book years ago, I felt so much permission in all my creative work, since it applies to everything, not just writing. The “shitty first draft” can be true in paintings too.
Wow, what a relief! In this way, I can express, make a mess, learn about colour, texture, shape, value in the shitty first, second and maybe third or more drafts/paintings. Eventually a painting will reveal itself that can stand on it’s own.
Impulse by impulse a painting is born.
We all have stories to tell, with words, with imagery, with paint, with feelings… do we get out of the way so that we can bring these stories to life on the canvas?
Yes, we don’t only have to use words to tell stories, we can paint our stories metaphorically with colour, texture, shape, layers, mark-making and imagery.
You can be a modern day cave painter, exploring and expressing your inner and outer worlds with paint and mixed media onto any type of surface so that you can consistently find freedom and JOY in your creative expression.
(and give ourselves a freakin' break)
Think you don’t have a story to tell or paint? 100% not true
Think your story is uninteresting or not worth telling/painting? 100% not true.
Do you think you're too old? it's too late? this won't work for you? NOT TRUE! not true, not true!
(I used to believe all of these things)
Your soul and spirit have a story, underneath the layers of conditioning and judgement there’s a story waiting to unfold....
High Speed Art Making!
Tell me wild one, what is your soul calling for?
is paint your wild spirit calling YOU?
Rajasthani Textile Fantasyland
Oh Rajasthan! How I love you. You are even more majestic, tribal and colourful that I could ever have imagined. You are indeed a jewel of Incredible India!
Oh Rajasthan! How I love you. You are even more majestic, tribal and colourful that I could ever have imagined. You are indeed a jewel of Incredible India!
I have many images and inspirations to share with you here, my dear readers. Stay tuned, when I get a quicker internet situation happening I will be sharing more Textiles delights for you!