Wild spirit painting

how my painting imagery chooses me

When I began to paint I was drawn to painting scenes from my imagination, stories in my mind, in my heart, in my body. 

I was surprised by the imagery that wanted to be painted. Images of me as a little girl, with messy splotches of colour, mostly pink, with heavy doses of black. So many scribbles, and scribbles upon scribbles, heavy handed with pencils, crayons and oil pastels. 

I would often break the lead in the pencil, or break the crayon in half with the intensity of my grip. I still do. 

 I made a stencil from a picture of myself at about age 4….this little girl, standing timidly, no smile, in a little pink dress. l wanted HER to be in every single painting. 

 And so I let her. 

BE there.

I had the good fortune of having excellent support, enCOURAGEment from artist mentors. 

One of them said to me, “don’t resist”.......

I want to tell you, this is some of the best advice I’ve ever been given and I’m grateful beyond words that I was able to “hear” it. Sheila Norgate was the artist who said it. 

I love the mystery of it all and I continue to follow these threads as they weave their way in, out and through my creations. 

It’s part of the creative path, not just my path but your path too. The beautiful, bountiful, wild creative path. 

Having a guide (or guides) on my creative journey has been so important to me, that’s part of why I love to share about this connecting and re-connecting, how we can return to our inner wildness for wholesome nourishment in my art courses Creative Sovereignty and Paint your Wild Spirit. 

As creative people we need and want to to express ourselves! Right? 

Creativity is essential to our lives, 100% proven. 

Do you want to remember more of your authentic creative voice by PLAYING and creating with paint, collage, words, layers, and textures so that can free yourself and re-learn how to play, to deepen into your own creative voice, to get started and feel inspired to create a journal spread or painting?   

You’ll want to join me to have sneak peak and experience a little but of my creative process!

It will be a transformative experience. 

“Paint YOUR Wild Spirit” will soon be open for enrollment. Click HERE to be the first to know.


Paint your wild spirit!


Franny the guardian angel dog