on being a creative guide

Mixed media art journaling is SO FUN!

Why learn from me? That’s a good question and here are a few of my answers.

I’m a successful self taught artist with over 20 years of experience creating and selling art. I know this stuff because I live this stuff - aka,, the highs and the lows, the joy and the pain of art making!

I’m wildly creative and I believe creative blocks are a myth we can leave behind so that we can feel free to make whatever we want, whenever we want.

I know the exuberant joy of painting, mark making and playing with a free and wild abandon and my #1 goal is to encourage others to give themselves permission to create and feel this too!

I  have a compassionate approach to the tender vulnerable parts of ourselves that can be revealed when we paint, make art and express ourselves.

I know first hand the pain of feeling stuck and frustrated with my journaling practice, and I’ve created my own uber- effective method for finding my  way through so that I can really love all the pieces of my art and journaling experience.

I know how to transform the negative energy of the inner critic voices so that I feel free to create whatever the f^&* I want.

I LOVE creating, and I love to inspire people to make creativity a BIG part of their lives without feeling held back by self-doubt.

More and more I truly live my life as art.

And so can YOU! 

Are you ready to have creative exploration with a visual journal a regular part of your day to day experience so that you can feel a new, invigorating sparkle in your life? 

Join me in my free training and let’s get going!! 


off grid, off line is liberation


it’s all about the love