Hello 2016, I love you!

I am excited about all the possibilities that come with a new beginning, a new year!

It always feels fresh and alive when I am beginning something new. So a new year is something to celebrate!

I don't make resolutions...I find that feels restrictive and kind of punishing....especially at a time when I am finally learning to treat myself, my world, my relationships with more gentleness and kindness.

I have intentions instead.

To start my intentions this year I will share one thing: (more to follow, stay tuned)

  1. “Leave more room for unplanned space in my schedule.” My experience has been that quite possibly magic arrives in the spaces in between......I want to leave room for mystery and play.

"If we are always chasing after hobbies how will we have time for bliss?"

Paramahansa Yogananda


Focusing on creative ideas that impact image development, brand development and marketing strategies, Filament can help target your marketing path to help you move your business forward. Filament is about creating the right strategy and design in the right medium to help you and your organization establish, refine and promote your brand. If you need to update your existing communications strategy or create a new one, Filament will be able to light the way.


ONE World Atlas Affair


Solstice Spirit Studio (what a finish!)